Typically British

Seminar Englisch - Frau Dr. Samberger

Ausbildungsrichtung Technik sowie Wirtschaft und Verwaltung

Darum sollten Sie dieses Seminar wählen:

Do the British really always politely queue when they are waiting for something? What is British understatement really about (and does it still exist)? Why is it that upper-classes with dogs tend to keep labradors whereas the lower classes prefer rottweilers? Is British patriotism in any way different from that of US Americans? How does language reflect attitudes and ways of behaviour?

Das erwartet Sie inhaltlich:

In this seminar we will try and answer questions like those above, using studies by sociologist Kate Fox (in her book Watching the English: The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour) but also books on “the British” and “British behaviour”, for example written by immigrants and Brits-by-choice like George Mikes’ How to be an Alien or Bill Bryson’s Notes on a Small Island, as well as the extremely popular Xenophobe’s Guide to the English. We will look at both the inside and outside perspectives, as well as at the changes of British values over time.

Of course, you can also focus on literature and e.g. analyse Britishness in a novel by a British or non-British author.


The course language will be English and German, term papers (Seminararbeiten) should be written in English.